Government Affairs Committee

Mission Statement

The goal of the Government Affairs Committee (“GAC”) is to establish a long-range plan to update laws affecting the profession of Architecture, through legislation, administrative law and legal advocacy. To achieve its goal, the GAC must develop, coordinate and expedite an annual, comprehensive, and pro-active plan for all government affairs, for review and approval by the Board of Directors of AIA Michigan. The GAC is not a policy-making body. The charge of the GAC is to investigate, debate, and recommend actions to the AIA Michigan Board of Directors that advance the interests of the profession, protect the health, safety and welfare of the public, and are consistent with AIA National polices.  Upon receipt of final direction from the Board, the GAC will implement the policies, taking all necessary and reasonable measures within its authority
Because the GAC’s goals are long-term in nature, a “Big Picture” approach is required, encompassing awareness of, and interaction with not only architects, but engineers, landscape architects, land surveyors, contractors, interior designers, state and municipal governments, building officials, the Board of Architects, and others.  Identifying potential industry allies, key bureaucrats and legislators, and building and maintaining productive relationships is a continuing focus of the GAC.  In order to succeed, the GAC must rely on the involvement of the entire membership of this Association.

Professional Practice

One of the highest standing priorities of the GAC is the advancement of the policies behind Michigan’s Architecture licensing laws. The GAC’s Professional Practice Task Force is the unit within the GAC with specific responsibility for implementation.  The purpose of the licensing law is to protect the public’s health, safety and welfare by restricting the practice of Architecture only to persons meeting statutorily prescribed minimum competency requirements. Therefore, the fair and universal enforcement of the law is the focus of the Task Force.  In advancing the goals of the GAC relative to professional practice, there are two basic areas of activity for the Task Force: Education and Enforcement.

The GAC Task Force endeavors to educate architects, governmental officials and the public about the licensing requirements of the State of Michigan, who can practice architecture, and the requirements for properly sealed drawings. To that end, the GAC may be represented at seminars or meetings to provide continuing education.

The GAC has also periodically publishes a bulletin-style update, entitled the “Code and Regulation Summary for Properly Sealed Drawings” to Michigan code enforcement officials, summarizing the requirements for properly-sealed drawings. This is done in cooperation with the engineering associations. The update is published every three years in relation to the issuance of the new building code.  Unfortunately, for the last code cycle in 2009, the GAC did not publish a new Code and Regulation Summary due to budget limitations.  Presently, the program is suspended but not terminated.

Regarding enforcement, the GAC and the Task Force has historically been a clearinghouse for licensing violation complaints for the membership, the various chapters and even the public. The Association’s historic record of news publications reveals the has been active in licensing enforcement as far back as 1938, just two years after licensing was instituted in Michigan (Thanks to Ben Tiseo for researching the AIAMI records).

GAC 2023 Membership

Jan Culbertson, FAIA (Committee Co-Chair)
A3C - Collaborative Architecture

Jeff Ferweda, AIA (Committee Co-Chair)
Sedgewick & Ferweda Architects

Paul Haselhuhn, AIA (AELSC)
WTA Architects

Bob Hoida, AIA (AELSC)
O|X Studio Inc.

Cindy Pozolo, FAIA

Kristin Nyht, AIA

Quinn Evans Architects

Dan Whisler, AIA (APAC Treasurer)
Daniels and Zermack Associates, Inc.

Matthew J. McGaughey, AIA
MAYOTTEGroup Architects

LeRoy Stevens, AIA
Stevens Architects, LLC

Steve Smith, AIA

Neumann/Smith Architecture

Paul Dannels, FAIA


Patrick Barry, AIA

Neumann/Smith Architecture

Eric Biller, AIA
Progressive AE

Barry Pozin, AIA

GAC Corresponding Members

Melissa McKinley, Esq, Lobbyist

Will Witting, AIA, AIAMI Past President
U of D Mercy, School of Architecture

Mike Neville, AIA, AIAMI Past President 
Ghafari Associates

Paul Dannels, FAIA

Greg Metz, AIA
Lott 3 Metz Architecture, LLC

Sandra Laux, FAIA

Cathy Mosley, Hon. Aff. AIAMI
AIAMI Executive Director

Stuart Pettitt, AIA
Straub Pettitt Yaste Architects

Gary Quesada, Esq., Hon. Aff. AIAMI (CAM Legislative Counsel)
Cavanaugh & Quesada, PLC

Misty Raatz, Associate AIA
TMP Architecture, Inc.

John Vitale, AIA
Stucky + Vitale Architects

Daniel Tyrer, AIA
Progressive | ae

David VanderKlok, AIA
Studio [intrigue] Architects

Anne Law (AIA National, Manager of Business & Practice Policy)
American Institute of Architects

Cynthia Witkin (AIA State & Local Relations Director)
American Institute of Architects

Open Positions

Contact Jan Culbertson, FAIA
Phone: (734) 663-1910

Architects, Engineers & Surveyors Legislative Committee

AIA Michigan is one member of a Legislative Committee that gives guidance to our Legislative Council which is known as the Architects, Engineers & Surveyors Legislative Committee (AESLC). The four partners are: AIA Michigan, American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC), Michigan Society of Professional Surveyors (MSPS) and Michigan Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE). Each organization holds four voting members. AELC meets on a regular basis to discuss and formulate our legislative agenda. The chair of the committee is rotated annually among the four members with AIA Michigan chairing in 2012.

AIA Michigan - 37637 Five Mile Rd. #269 - Livonia, Michigan, 48154 - Phone: 313-965-4100  

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